Friday, 27 December 2024

A Set of Botany CEE-2

A Set of Botany CEE-2

A Set of Botany CEE-2
Friday, 27 December 2024

A Set of Botany CEE-2


  1. Which of the following is the smallest flowering plant?
    a. Wolffia
    b. Lemna
    c. Utricularia
    d. Azolla

  2. What is the function of lenticels in plants?
    a. Photosynthesis
    b. Gaseous exchange
    c. Transpiration
    d. Conduction of water

  3. Which hormone is responsible for seed dormancy?
    a. Abscisic acid
    b. Gibberellin
    c. Cytokinin
    d. Auxin

  4. The cork cambium is also known as:
    a. Phellogen
    b. Periderm
    c. Phelloderm
    d. Phloem

  5. In the Calvin cycle, the first stable product is:
    a. 3-phosphoglycerate
    b. Glucose
    c. Ribulose bisphosphate
    d. Oxaloacetate

  6. Which element is required for the synthesis of chlorophyll?
    a. Nitrogen
    b. Magnesium
    c. Iron
    d. Sulfur

  7. Vascular bundles in dicot stems are:
    a. Closed and scattered
    b. Open and arranged in a ring
    c. Closed and radial
    d. Open and scattered

  8. Which type of reproduction occurs in spirogyra?
    a. Vegetative
    b. Asexual
    c. Sexual
    d. All of the above

  9. The reserve food material in fungi is:
    a. Glycogen
    b. Starch
    c. Lipids
    d. Cellulose

  10. Casparian strips are found in:
    a. Epidermis
    b. Endodermis
    c. Pericycle
    d. Cortex

  11. Which of the following is a C4 plant?
    a. Rice
    b. Wheat
    c. Maize
    d. Potato

  12. The structure responsible for water transport in plants is:
    a. Phloem
    b. Xylem
    c. Cortex
    d. Epidermis

  13. Apical dominance in plants is caused by:
    a. Auxin
    b. Gibberellin
    c. Cytokinin
    d. Ethylene

  14. Which of the following is a nitrogen-fixing bacterium?
    a. Rhizobium
    b. Mycorrhiza
    c. Agrobacterium
    d. Azotobacter

  15. The primary function of root hairs is:
    a. Conduction
    b. Anchorage
    c. Absorption
    d. Storage

  16. Which algae is used as a source of agar?
    a. Gelidium
    b. Chlorella
    c. Spirulina
    d. Laminaria

  17. Double fertilization is unique to:
    a. Algae
    b. Gymnosperms
    c. Angiosperms
    d. Bryophytes

  18. The enzyme Rubisco is involved in:
    a. Photorespiration
    b. Nitrogen fixation
    c. Carbon fixation
    d. Water splitting

  19. Transpiration is least in:
    a. Sunny days
    b. Windy conditions
    c. High humidity
    d. Low humidity

  20. The term "totipotency" refers to:
    a. Cell differentiation
    b. Cell division
    c. The ability of a cell to develop into a complete plant
    d. None of the above

  21. Which pigment is responsible for red, orange, and yellow colors in plants?
    a. Chlorophyll
    b. Carotenoids
    c. Anthocyanins
    d. Xanthophylls

  22. Mycorrhizae are associations between:
    a. Algae and fungi
    b. Roots and fungi
    c. Roots and bacteria
    d. Fungi and insects

  23. The smallest unit of classification in taxonomy is:
    a. Genus
    b. Species
    c. Order
    d. Family

  24. Which plant hormone promotes fruit ripening?
    a. Auxin
    b. Cytokinin
    c. Ethylene
    d. Gibberellin

  25. The study of pollen grains is known as:
    a. Cytology
    b. Palynology
    c. Mycology
    d. Phycology

  26. Gymnosperms are characterized by the absence of:
    a. Seeds
    b. Flowers
    c. Vascular tissue
    d. Roots

  27. The process of guttation occurs through:
    a. Stomata
    b. Hydathodes
    c. Lenticels
    d. Epidermis

  28. Which of the following is a xerophytic adaptation?
    a. Thick cuticle
    b. Large leaves
    c. Stomata on both sides
    d. Thin cuticle

  29. The first stage of mitosis is:
    a. Anaphase
    b. Telophase
    c. Prophase
    d. Metaphase

  30. The main photosynthetic pigment is:
    a. Chlorophyll a
    b. Chlorophyll b
    c. Xanthophyll
    d. Carotenoids

  31. In Bryophytes, the dominant generation is:
    a. Gametophyte
    b. Sporophyte
    c. Zygote
    d. None of the above

  32. Plants in desert regions primarily use which photosynthetic pathway?
    a. C3
    b. C4
    c. CAM
    d. All of the above

  33. The edible part of the coconut is:
    a. Pericarp
    b. Endosperm
    c. Cotyledon
    d. Embryo

  34. Vernalization is the:
    a. Response to photoperiod
    b. Induction of flowering by low temperature
    c. Response to light intensity
    d. Response to water availability

  35. The study of seeds is called:
    a. Carpology
    b. Palynology
    c. Spermatology
    d. Cytology

  36. The largest angiosperm family is:
    a. Fabaceae
    b. Asteraceae
    c. Orchidaceae
    d. Poaceae

  37. In respiration, the terminal electron acceptor is:
    a. NADH
    b. FADH2
    c. Oxygen
    d. ATP

  38. Which of the following is a free-floating aquatic plant?
    a. Eichhornia
    b. Mango
    c. Neem
    d. Banyan

  39. In monocots, the vascular bundles are:
    a. Scattered
    b. Arranged in a ring
    c. Open
    d. Lateral

  40. Pollination by wind is called:
    a. Hydrophily
    b. Entomophily
    c. Anemophily
    d. Zoophily

Answer Key:
1-a, 2-b, 3-a, 4-a, 5-a, 6-b, 7-b, 8-d, 9-a, 10-b, 11-c, 12-b, 13-a, 14-a, 15-c, 16-a, 17-c, 18-c, 19-c, 20-c, 21-b, 22-b, 23-b, 24-c, 25-b, 26-b, 27-b, 28-a, 29-c, 30-a, 31-a, 32-c, 33-b, 34-b, 35-a, 36-c, 37-c, 38-a, 39-a, 40-c

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